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One of 'Crazy Joe' friends says he was and was not lying to the cops and his testimony was a big part of putting Spaziano away.

A student's account of a Washington DC gay rights rally, in protest of Ms. Anita Bryant's attack on gay rights ordinance in Dade County, FL.

An article written for the Mary Washington Bullet by Cynthia Anderson detailing the toga party that was hosted by the "Animals."

Raid Raises Questions about Law Privileges
The article discusses the raid of a criminal defense lawyer named William A. Hunter. The raid secured his records and files. The raid was due to federal investigators suspecting Hunter of helping his client launder money. The article discusses the…

Michael Mello, a Vermont Law School Professor, has a background of working for death row inmates.

This article discusses Mello's criminal justice resume, his fields of expertise and how he is beneficial as a professor at Vermont Law School.

Joe Spaziano is seeking clemency after the key witness in the trial doubts his testimony was accurate. Another investigation into the case 21 years later has been authorized by the Governor of Florida.

In Tallahassee Florida an agency is being shut down that helps inmates on death row. The agency is losing its federal funding and cannot keep its doors open for inmates. Another agency in Florida is going to attempt to take over the caseload.

Convicted murderer, Joseph "Crazy Joe" Spaziano awaits decision from Florida Supreme Court regarding his request for a stay of execution. Spaziano is due to be sent to the electric chair in two weeks. His attorney, Michael Mello, argues that Spaziano…

Mello files for stay of execution for Joseph Spaziano. Prosecution witness recants testimony.

Reporting on the critical comments of Vermont governor Howard Dean towards the state Supreme Court and judicial system pertaining to defendants rights. Critics from law backgrounds comment on the governors stances and comments.

William A. Hunter is charged with 10 counts of mail fraud and 1 count of bankruptcy fraud. Hunter pleads not guilty to all charges. Hunter's lawyer, Peter Hall, argues that these charges are being brought because the U.S. District attorney's office…

Death Row Inmate Wants To Study Law
Convicted killer Joe Giarratano hopes to elude Virginia's electric chair and study law in Vermont.

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Anthony Dilisio, a car upholsterer and restorer, recanted a twenty year old testimony made on May 13, 1975 that placed Joseph Spaziano on death row for the murders of two people in 1976. At the time of the testimony, Dilisio, then a sixteen year…

This article is about a stay of execution granted by the Florida Supreme to Joe Spaziano after Michael Mello refused to send his paperwork to state lawyers.

The two Crazy Joes
As two newspapers, the Herald and the Sentinel, cover the same story of Joseph "Crazy Joe" Spaziano, they report two completely different stories. David Barstow evaluates why these two reliable newspapers published two different views of the case, as…

David Funchess was the first U.S. Vietnam Vet to be executed by a state.

The article describes how when looking to defend a inmate on death row a lawyer could be working around 18 hours a day for three to four weeks. It also alludes to how important it is that these lawyers continue to do this work as 50% of death row…


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