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Michael A. Mello Papers, Series 1 News Clippings, Binder 1, 1976-1979

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Michael A. Mello Papers, Series 1 News Clippings, Binder 1, 1976-1979

Items in the Michael A. Mello Papers, Series 1 News Clippings, Binder 1, 1976-1979 Collection

Carmichael Urges Audience to Push 'People's' Revolution

Carmichael urges au..to to push 'people's revolution By Karen L. Scrivo While 300 students occupied the Kent State University administration building Wednesday night, across campus national black activist Stokely Carmichael advocated a "people's…

Marijuana: 'Legalizing' Movement Begins

Marijuana: 'Legalizing' MovementBy Georgetta Sharman Special to the TimesFredericksburg- According to a 1975 U.S. government study, almost 30 million people in the United States have smoked marijuana. Of those 30 million, almost 5,000 Virginians were…

Senate Vice-President Says Constitution is a Farce

"Senate Vice President Says Constitution is a Farce" Reprinted from PROMETHEUS (Nov. 11 issue) By Mike Mellow The following, a taped interview, took place on October 3, 1977 in room 215 of Bushnell Dorm. Prometheus: Jim, two weeks ago you were Vice…


Letters Dear Editor, Dr. Thomas Johnson’s reiteration of his belief that THE BULLET is “anything but an example of a free press” deserves comment. His letter of January 31 makes essentially two assertions: first, that the administration, through the…

Backfire - ERA

"Backfire ERA" Editor: You (Ellie Schettino, Bullet, April 15, 1976) write: "Women have been and always will be equal to men, especially intellectually. It's about time the government recognize this." The government already has recognized it: Article…

Student Demonstration
Mike Mello, former president of the MWC Chapter of NORML, speaks at Friday's demonstration held on Westmoreland Green to protest the suspension of four of the five students arrested in Madison last week.

Criticism Should Lead to Action

Criticism Should Lead to Action It is at time asserted that the Bullet does not meet the needs and wishes of the MWC student. Because of this latent dissastification with our school paper, I find it necessary to investigate the basis of criticism…

Gay Student Union at MWC

Gay Student Union at MWCFor some obscure reason, a sizable number of MWC students cannot believe that a Gay Student Union exists on campus, (perhaps it would be more appropriate to say, rather that they don’t want to believe it). It is surprising…

Eyewitness Account of Rally

Eyewitness Account of RallyOn Sunday, January 22, there was a rally and march in Washington DC to protest the arrival of Ms. Anita Bryant, and to show to her and the community, the gay solidarity and support for 34, the Human Rights Law currently in…

Blame Enough for All

Blame Enough for All In the article that appears on page one of this issue and the latest issue of PROMETHEUS, Jim Boyd make some interesting observations. However, I think his placement of responsibility is somewhat misdirected. I say somewhat…

Westmoreland '4' Accuse Administration of Injustice

On November 29, four Westmoreland male residents Mitch Sproul, John Bartenstein, Peter Back, and Steve Calhoun appeared before an Administrative Hearing charged with "(1) conduct in Westmoreland Hall which is detrimental to the environment of the…

Westmoreland Controversy

Four male inhabitants of Westmoreland dorm were brought before an Administrative Hearing last week, which resulted in the expulsion of three of them from the residence hall.There is some question over the proceeding. Pictured are Mitch Sproul, Peter…

Due Process Of Law?

Are students entitled to due process of law? The Handbook provides that “all members of the College community have the right to due process in matters concerning discipline or status as members of the College community.” But Kathy Mayer has proven…

"Time for a Bill of Rights"

Time for a Bill of Rights The SA Constitution, which is presently under revision, should contain a clear definition of the rights and privileges guaranteed to MWC students. The inclusion of a Student Bill of Rights within the Constitution would have…

Legacy of Dean Rusk: Two Views

President Woodard was correct when, last Sunday at the DVIR address, he said that “Secretary of State Rusk guided and administered the foreign policy of our nation,” between 1961-1969. No matter what direction that foreign policy took and no matter…

What is a Radical?

Edwin Newman, in his book Strictly Speaking, wrote that there are certain words and phrases in the English language which have been so misused and debased that their meaning has blurred to the point of uncomprehension. One such word is "radical," a…

Free Speech: Defense of an Enemy

Free Speech: Defense of an Enemy By: Michael Mello There is presently a case being litigated in Illinois that has raised one of the most basic issues in America: the right of an unpopular group to express its’ views openly. The American Nazi Party…

The Unification Church: Faith or Mind Control?

For the past ten to twenty years there has been a constant rise in awareness of religious cults in the United States. There are the Hare Krishna's, scientologists, Zen Buddhists, and many others. Yet one stands out as the largest and perhaps the most…

Mary Washington "Animals" Throw Toga Bash

Mary Washington "Animals" Throw Toga Bash By CYNTHIA ANDERSON Bare legs, bare arms, bare shoulders, bare feet, and sheets barely covering the essentials graced the throng which participated in Hamel House's TOGA '79 in Seacobeck basement Friday…

Balance of Administrative Power against Student and Faculty Power
A political cartoon depicting an unbalanced scale, with the Administrative Power bag weighing significantly more than the smaller Student Power and Faculty Power bags.